Ginger what fun! Sitka is a special place. My Uncle Bob (my Dad's twin brother) moved to Sitka after 1949 and raised his family there. One or two of my cousins still live there. I, in 1993 ( way back when) crewed on a 45' sail boat to work my way to Stika! Needless to say it was both positive and a negative experience. The shall I say the "captain" was not sailing with Marine Charts but a Marine Atlas. Needless to say I jumped ship when we hit Kitchacan and American waters. Called my Uncle and made arrangements for the family to meet me at the airport! Ordered up a Taxi, grabbed my survival suit (which I did have to ware at one point in the trip through Canadian waters) my back pack and fled to the airport! I was never so glad to see my family when I embarked (De-planed)
Sitka was wonderful! Everyday I walked from Uncle Bob's through a forest of Totem Poles to town and went to every museum that was there. Performances by the Native Tribes and the youth - inspiring.
The Alaskan Artist, Rie Munoz, did a work before the Russian Orthodox Church burned. It is right in the middle of the street! She used to work on Orcas Is. I understand and not far from my place! I met her one summer when she was having a show on Is. She is a lovely person and not to mention one of my favorite Artists! Would you believe she traded a book of her work to me for just one of my hand Colored prints! A whole Book! Oh and a poster of one of her exhibitions in AK!
I am astounded yet today - one of MY Prints!!
Enjoy and bring home the fish!
Oh, some new work: I was given a gift to go to a place in West Seattle called Mind Unwind. This is a delightful idea. Sign up for $40, pick the date you want to paint. Walk in, be given a glass of wine, a place to sit, a 16x20 blank canvas, acrylic paint and a room full of enthusiastic people - who have never painted in their life or very little and go for it! The person who teaches watercolor, Jay, is very supportive of all work. We did acrylic painting and the facilitator was a delightful young girl who went about encouraging everyone. A most enchanting eve. I did not finish in the 2 hours as most of us did not but we can come back anytime there is not a class, order a glass of wine and finish! Such a nice way to approach art. Everyone but me were relaxed and not expecting much of their work just the experience of creativity. For me it is serious business but I did enjoy the commendatory and giggles not to mention the wine!
Cool! Can anyone go there? I love your painting of moon and trees.