Sunday, October 20, 2013

Missing posts from you, but maybe I better put up for myself.  Anita and I did a fun glass fusing workshop at the Museum of Glass.  I'll try scanning my piece and see if that works.  Really fun.
Its 4 inches by 4 inches and different elements float on different layers.  Colors are almost right...

We also had an Art day and went to the Frye, had lunch and did some plein aire painting in Volunteer Park.
I was amazed at the Frye.  I've been there so many times with my mom through the years.  Let me tell you it is not your mother's museum any more!  One interesting thing they did was to take an assortment of their permanent collection and hang them so the horizon of all of them was the same and continued across the entire long wall.  Nothing else on the wall.  The big exhibit was of the work of someone who did/does temporary outdoor installations.  Lots of big chunks of concrete and building materials.

I've been staring at my watercolor for the weeks since we went.  My opinions about it keep changing.
Things I should fix ...Things I like...Impressions...

I've also been to the Tacoma Art Museum with John.  One of their exhibits is about portraits.  There are all kinds of them over a huge range of time and a big variety of styles.  They have a big day of the dead thing coming up starting on the 20th.

Enough of me, how about something from you?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love the glass you made. It looks so fun!!
